We laid out a plate of cookies for Santa... with a note carefully written by Avery. We even included a little cheese since we were snacking on it as we made the plate!!

This was a smaller and more simple christmas for us. I confess that it was a little more than i had intended. i really was trying to stick to the poem "something they want, something they need, some kind of toy and something to read"...it was my intention, along with doing lots of homemade gifts. But the move cramped my brain so severely that i did not remember to even buy gifts for my children until 3 days before christmas. yikes!! it was a close call.

But they were thrilled despite my personal efforts being thwarted. Everyone had a good time, you can see. I love the faces.

they were moving so fast i barely was able to get this picture.
I was pretty excited to be able to use my stash of christmas fabric to wrap their gifts this year. it was so nice and such a relief to me to only have half a brown bag of garbage instead of the usual giant plastic garbage bag. I will do that again...and again....i better go get me some more fabric, on sale of course!!
Aunt Colleen did have a homemade holiday and made these great superhero capes for the kids... thanks Aunt Colleen.
Who knew that a calendar could be that exciting, but they loved it!! Mitch loved his hammering toy....real nails and a hammer is a 4 year olds dream!! He has been playing with it constantly. I would gladly take the sound of hammering over the noise of obnoxious plastic noisy toys.