Wednesday, February 8, 2012

WIP Wednesday

It is WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced, and i am so happy to have something to share today!!

Progress has been made on my Ruby quilt!!!

I have just a few more border strips to add and then she is all ready for quilting!!

This has turned out way prettier than i could have imagined and i am thrilled with how easily it has come together!!!

Check out some of the other WIP's at the Freshly Pieced link up.



jlk said...

Love love love! I have my quilt all cut and ready to sew. Now all I need is time :)

Julie said...

This Ruby quilt is adorable! It's my all time favorite fabric and I love your pattern!

Katie said...

SO pretty, so girly, so perfect! I am in love with this quilt!

Amy, a redeemed sheep said...

It looks fabulous! I have been wanting to try that pattern, too. It came together easily? It looks hard, which is why I have been hesitant to give it a try.

Lora said...

absolutely gorgeous!

Greta said...

I really live your Ruby quilt. I have that book as well and have been planning to make this quilt. I just need to find the right fabric. I'm using Ruby for a Swoon quilt and I love it. It's so soft. Can't wait to see this one when you finish it.

Dee said...

This is one of the prettiest "Cross" quilts I have seen. Awesome finish and lovely heirloom (when it's time to pass it down, which I wouldn't for a very long time since it's so beautiful!) lol

LisaAnn said...

How can you go wrong with those fabrics and that pattern? It is so super pretty!

Alisa said...

Ooh, I love it! What a gorgeous quilt it's going to be.

Abby said...

This quilt is beautiful. Great line and great pattern!

Mary said...

So pretty I pinned right onto my Pinterest sewing be made when I am motivated to sew. So maybe 10 years. :) Love Camille!

T.J. said...

Ruby would have been my girl name- did you know that? A gorgeous name for a gorgeous quilt!

Angela Nash said...

That looks wonderful! Do you know how you'll quilt it?

Lucy said...

oh my that is beautiful, can't wait to see it quilted :)

Erin @ Why Not Sew? Quilts said...

Leslie, this is seriously beautiful! I love it! Definitely one of the prettiest +'s quilts I've seen!!!!

Colleen said...

Preeeeety! I love the pattern.
Miss you!

Mary Anne Drury said...


Catherine said...

Just beautiful Leslie!!! That design really shows off these pretty prints. Looking forward to seeing your quilting ;-)

Sunshine said...

Oooh, I love how this turned out - it makes me think of a field of flowers! Something for me to make in the future :) Following my move, I'm still in the process of getting my quilt room set up - so far, it's just the "junk/empty moving boxes/air-out-carpets room"... soon, though, soon, there'll be quilts again :)

Taryn V. said...

This quilt top is so pretty! Ruby is one of my favorite fabric lines and I love anything with straight lines. It's perfect!

randi--i have to say said...

oh, i love this quilt! ruby is such a great line to work with!

Just a little something from Judy said...

What a masterpiece! What pretty colors.

Kirsten said...

So beautiful- Ruby is perfect for the Plus pattern!

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