my sweet avery turned 7 this weekend....how on earth have all these years gone by so quickly. She was so tiny and now she is on the verge of bid kid. I wanted to straighten the pictures out because they are all out of order from that day, but right now that might be a little too much work, considering the root canal and the pain meds and all.

We were supposed to go to Troy and to our CSA farm to see baby goats but that did not work out as we planned so she chose to go to the American Girl store in NYC again. She brought her kit with her this time...that is hers on the right and the display on the left. she was so cute carrying her around. The picture above is her in the rain eating her birthday lunch of dirty water hot dog and soft pretzel, apparently at the same time!

We sang happy birthday for nearly every meal. This '7' candle was well used this year. It started it's journey in her breakfast monkey bread....so yummy.

...modeling a new shirt she got....

the '7' candle also made a appearance in her birthday butterfly cupcakes...more yumminess!!

she got a new bike that she started riding like a champ. SHe loves it and is so proud of herself when she rides the big kid bike.

Dinner of choice was birthday chili biscuits. After a long, wet and rainy day in the city we came home and made dinner....i did not use the '7' candle this time and it was a good thing i did not because it melted right in the biscuit...oops!
One of her very birthday gifts was this bible...she is so excited to have her own. a few weeks agi we were at the bookstore and she wanted one. I told her no at the time, but a little half heartedly because i was not sure if i should be saying no to having a Bible...it just felt a little wrong. :o) Right away that night she started reading storied from it to us.
Oh, and the Kit American Girl bed...well, as you can see she was so excited that she was blurry for all the jumping up and down. I think she totally scored this birthday.
The '7' candle made another appearance on Easter at Grammy's house. She wanted carrot cake so we made it to have with everyone after easter dinner. It was more than yummy( I think i will try to share the recipes from her birthday in another post)

Let me take a minute here to say again sorry about the scattered post and pictures...it is not my best birthday post by a mile...but with the root canal, ensuing pain meds and pain i have not got it all together...thanks for bearing with me on this one. Hopefully i will start feeling better soon.
Happy Birthday, sweet Avery! I remember you tiny- playing "so big" in my living room... we Browns would love to give you a huge 7 yr old birthday squeeze.
and a root canal, dear friend?! that sounds awful and I don't want your apology for scattered pics... the post is sweet and I am simply thankful you took the time to share your days with us.
Happy Birthday, Avery! What a great day you had!
We had fun being a part of the celebration on Sunday. Love you, our smart little cookie! Leslie, I hope you're feeling better.
Happy Birthday Avery!!!!!
Ok I am bad friend. I thought the root canal was today. Ugh. I will call tomorrow. Poor girl. Would like to see what you are like on pain meds though... :O) Love you.
everything looks so yummy!
Happy Birthday to your sweet girl. It looks like her day was lovely--and full of yummy food. Can't wait for the recipes. :)
Happy Belated birthday Avery! Looks like it was absolutely fabulous!
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