i know, i am a little behind on the visit to VA pictures but bear with me a little while i play catch up. Colleen and i were wondering what to do with the kids for the week. Well, they made the plan for us. They decided to make a "club" for every day of the week. Quincy helped the girls by making a calendar and a sign up sheet. Very fun...there was scavenger hunt club, book club, space and stars club...and this one day was bird nerd club!!! They really named it that.
The girls had spent a good amount of time bird watching in colleens yard, but we wanted to take them somewhere where they could see some different birds....and we found this exotic bird shop. I would say that they loved it but i don't think that would be true. If she looks uncomfortable in this picture below it is because she is! When they realized that there were such large birds loose, neither was very inclined to be there anymore. But we got a few pictures and they thought the caged birds were much more enjoyable, so all was not lost
Quilt Con 2025 Recap
3 days ago
Great picture of Avery with the birds. She doesn't look nearly as scared as Julia does in her pics.
I don't blame them...birds are quite scary. What a fun trip idea though!
That first bird reminds me of Tulip, in the Toot and Puddle books :)
looks like fun. I want to go to Leslie school.
Beautiful colors! Avery seems to be doing a good job of not looking to uncomfortable. Were they free to fly around the shop?
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