I was flattered to see that this week Anna at Noodlehead had nominated me to be part of the list of ladies she thought should get a lemonade stand award. It is to be awarded to bloggers that show great attitude and gratitude. So thank you Anna.
Now i must admit that i do not read many blogs that are not craft or quilt related so I am going to nominate my 10 from that group(except my sister who is in the list too) . These are the rules of accepting the award.
- Put the Lemonade logo on your blog or within your post.
- Nominate at least 10 blogs with great attitude or gratitude.
- Link the nominees within your post.
- Let the nominees know they have received this award by commenting on their blog.
- Share the love and link to the person from whom you received this award.
1. Use the Loot
2. the Cutting Edge Quilt
3. Summer at Grandma's House
4. Making More with Less
5. Dee's Doodles
6. As is Proper
7. My Three Sons
8. Mountain Home Quilts
9. So Much for My Plans
10. Twin Fibers
and one more for good measure because she is awesome!
11. Works in Progress
thank you all for being such amazing inspirations and for sharing that with me and everyone else out there reading.
you definitly deserve that award!!! you are a great commenter!!!!!!!!
thanks for your inspiration.
your heather ross strip quilt is gorgeous!!! wish i was the recipient!
Thank you so much!
Thanks, Leslie! :)
Hope you have a wonderful day!!
What a great idea! I definitely agree about Cutting Edge Quilt as I follow her also.
She is so creative, has guts to try different colours and designs.Oh and she is Canadian to boot.
A good award.
Thank you so very, very much! :)
Thank you very much... you are so kind :)
Hi.your blog is adorable, love your heather ross quilt. you are right avery is a great name :)
Thanks for the nomination and way to go for getting one too :)
Congrats on your award!
Thanks for the nomination. You're very kind!
Wahoo, an award for me - that was an unexpected honour! My internet connection is slow these days, but I'm busy browsing one blog at a time on your nominee list - I've seen interesting things so far - thanks for expanding my horizon!
Some time soon, I'll get to follow the instructions, too - don't lose hope *L*
Thanks again for the nomination! I just spent some time looking at the blogs of your other nominees (the few that I didn't already subscribe to!), and found a couple more great ones to add to my reader. So thanks for that too!
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