We headed into the city, thank you Kate for watching the kids when i know that you would rather have been where we were!!! Cause it was AWESOME!!! sorry...back to the story. It is nice to go to the city with the kids but so great to go without....no wrangling busy children....i did not have to carry any bags because the husbands pockets worked just fine. We had a nice dinner within throwing distance of Radio City. While we were eating Chris wondered aloud if i thought they would busking on the street(background..Glen Hansard the lead musician started as a street busker and that is the premise of the movie). I said "surely not, not when they have a venue like radio city to play in".
SO after dinner we decided to walk around before the show and enjoy the city. As we were walking it occurred to me...lets see where these shoes take me!!! Certainly you have heard of Rockefeller Center...the shoes and i stood right on the very spot that the tree stood. I pretended i was a tree. :o)

Chris thought it would be fun to get a shot of the shoe with Radio City in the background. I laughed. He said "get your foot up in the air"...i said, "my foot does not go in the air". But i hugged a tree and stuck it up there!!! He knelt in the street to get the shot. I am sure everyone around was grumbling about the ridiculous tourists!! oh well. Then as we walked around the block there was this crowd and then i heard this music and all the cameras in the air, i smacked chris (lovingly of course) and said, "NO! no way!!"... cause yup that is them, playing on the street right outside the concert hall.
LOOK how close we were...i was standing around to the right in this picture about 2 to 3 rows back from them...2-3 rows. i was star struck!!! That is Glen with the guitar and Marketa Irglova standing beside him. There were people walking up and asking what was going on...i met this nice lady who turned said to me that this was the perfect NY moment. i agreed wholeheartedly. it was really amazing. After they played a few songs they turned and started walking in the direction we all had to go. SO what did we do, we followed. It was like a impromptu parade. The Sousa phone was tooting and the guitar was playing and we kept following.

There were people climbing light poles to get a better view. it was amazing. As we were walking/marching away with our swell season parade, i walked right over the spot where they had been standing. I had to take a moment. Star struck i tell you....then told chris to QUICK take a picture!!! take one of these shoes standing on the very spot Glen Hansard stood (click for a quick article on one aspect of tuesday's concert). Here they are.... standing where he played and sang and was amazing.....(see me swooning!)

As we were heading in i squealed with total joy...."I don't even have to go to the concert now"...i told chris, "that was enough for me". i stood 10 feet away. This was shaping up to be a amazing night. The picture does not do our seats justice. it was better than it looks....the i phone was all we had for picture taking. The concert itself was awesome, amazing, enthralling, outstanding, moving. It was a emotional experience. I was getting a little teary...i know i am a dork but i can not help it. A couple times the music was so amazing i caught myself closing my eyes and really loving it and then i was like "dummy open your eyes...you can do that at home...this guy is right in front of you for real!"

The concert started at 8 and ended around 11:30. It just went on and on. in a good way of course. He was funny and told stories and wanted the crowd to sing along. it was amazing. have i mentioned that already. There were multiple encores because we could not get enough. I was said when it was over. I had such a great time. Dinner and a concert in the city with my hubby...brand new shoes that went to amazing places...how could it have been bad?

Leslie, I LOVE how you told that story! I was right there with you in spirit, Girl. I'm so glad you two had fun! Go, Chris!
what a fun post!
Sounds like you had a brilliant time. Nights like that are really wonderful and it seems like you took the time to really appreciate it. I'll have a listen asap.
Love, love, love the shoes!!!
Ab :o)
Okay, people... now go back and re-read that with all CAPS and lots of exclamation points!!!!!!!!!!!! and that will be the version I heard when she called me on the phone.
I am so jealous!!
An absolutely delightful post. Sounds like the very best night ever - thanks for sharing it with us! I only know them through the movie Once, which I loved - O need to know more about them!
Sounds like a great date night! I love the shoes and the NYC serendipity! I lived in Manhattan one summer in college and even though we were totally broke, you never knew what fun thing there might be just around the corner. Thanks for a wonderful story to start my day!
I cried for you, because magic doesn't happen all that often in our world...and to have it happen while you're with someone you love and can share it with and hold onto it a little bit longer...well...leprechauns know what's it's like to hold gold at the end of the rainbow!
Thanks for sharing this with me. Who am afraid of NY and the crazy people who live...but who's enchanted with NY and the crazy people who live there and from someone who was once told to go there and be famous! LOL
thanking you for a magical moment I can think of today that someone I know had and is still living!
LOVED how you told the story. I envisioned the Pied Piper when you were telling the part about following them. :O) Glad you experienced some magic the other night. Love when that happens.
Lucky You. I will admit, I've never heard of them. I take it they're Irish. (I'm very much out of the loop) You always listened to cool music in WA. The only channel on the radio that we get here (besides German ones) is the Canadian Forces Radio. It's fits the bill in a pinch, but I miss all the fun stuff that's out there. Yes we do have AFN, but I can't find it on my radio in the car and it has too much hip hop and other stuff that I can't stand.
Gotta run and go prepare for my party (Homeschool Mom's Night Out) at my place. AAAAAHHHH!!! (There are a few caps and exclamation points too!)
Love You! What kind of shoes are those. They're pretty!
What an AMAZING night!!! You're right--that is SO New York City :) I first heard of the Swell a few months ago and love them. What a lucky night for you all!!
I am so glad you had such a great time. I need me some of those shoes!
I can't believe that! magical!
Great story! I especially love the "my foot does not go in the air!" part. Classic. Sounds like a very fun evening.
Magical shoes for a magical city. Looks like such a fabulous date. You neglected to mention the fabulous restaurant within throwing distance..
What a super cool night! I would have just died, happening upon that mini sidewalk concert like that.
What a wonderful date night !
Now THERE'S a nice memory to hold onto and a good example to set for your kids .......the LORD does know how to bless his children, doesn't he?
GREAT post!!! How much fun!!!
Makes me think of the song "Oh what a night..." :)
Lucky you! Great memories to last a lifetime.
OMG Leslie!!!! I am sooo jealous. Mom told me who you went to see and until i just read this and saw a picture i didn't realize. WOW That is waaaayyyyy too cool. I practically teared up reading what you wrote. I love how you described it and now I see why you and Kate were so excited lol. I'm glad you had fun and now I'm going to have to go get and watch that movie so i can cry like i do everytime i watch it and sing along of course
Love you!
I LOVE that story(and your shoes)!! Practically teared up myself...what a beautiful, magical time for you guys, best shared with your best friend like that :)
SO Jealous!!! your right I would have rather been with you than watching Avery and Mitch. but I love you so I babysat. lol I'm even more jealous now watching teh video's taken at the concert.
No one does NYC like the Morrells! I remember our trip with you to Caroline's Comedy Club like 10 years ago...that was a lot of fun but you guys have really done it this time.
You're king of the hill, top of the heap, A-number one!
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