The truth is, this girl has not slept in the woods for about 11 years. i know, that is a long time. Not since the great girls camp out of 1999. Some of you readers are die hard campers i am sure...got it all down to a science...but i have to be honest, it scares me a little! I don't really take to it naturally. Let's start with the bugs. Oh my goodness, there were so many bugs.

See what this little brother has in his hands...a creepy millipede. He sure looks like he is about to get up to no good with it. Surprise, she did not seem to mind! it might have ruined his fun a little.

As the sun was going down, Daddy thought it was time to make a campfire. SO out came the axe. Yup, that is a real axe he is holding. It is nearly as tall as he is. Chris really enjoyed getting to show him how to do all these outdoor things.

Avery even had a go with the axe. She approached it with some hesitation but i think she had fun trying.

We had hot dogs on the BBQ...there was another lesson in this for Mitchell...how to make fire with charcoal...hmmm, that was two lessons in making fire for a 5 year old, in one day. this might not be good!
Now for those of you who do not know my husband...he is a techie genius!!! He loves his technology and gadgets so if you look close in the bottom left of this above picture you can see he does not go far without it. That is a portable solar panel he brought along to charge his i phone.

We were all good until bedtime when this tent became a den of tears for one little girl, terrified that there would be a bear. Whose little brother was not helping at all. Every time she would rationalize to herself how there was not going to be a bear he would come up with a reason to tell her why she was wrong about that...then the final zinger...as all the lights were out and everyone was tucked in he says quietly, "right, there won't be bears, but there might be snakes!". Thank goodness she did not hear him.
I love that pic of your boy with an axe!
We do a fair amount of camping, so I can identify with this post! I have a hard time when the little boys have used an axe. Oh my! Bugs are not my cup of tea either. It looks like you all survived though, huh? We were camping last weekend and froze! hope you faired better.
fun! looks like little brother was just dying to get in zingers all day. You all may have been sleeping in the van if she had heard the snake comment!
Oh, that Mitchie! The look in his eyes is priceless.
The worst part of tent camping is no bathroom! We just got a used Eurovan and what a difference!
And...a "fun" time was had by all!! That Mitch is all boy. Mr. Geek. I couldn't believe the solar panel. When are you going camping again??
lol...he cracks me up. we had some fun times camping together.
Sorry I didn't call you back. Life happens. We wish we could go camping, but we left all our camping stuff in America. By the way, I had a dream about you the night before I called you. you were carrying a very blond baby, and not a small one either. I thought that was very funny! Hope you're having a good day! Love you!
We've camped all over the country and I am still not completely comfortable with it. LOL! I love the solar panel.
I used to be anti-camping but in the interest of marital stability I decided to give it a try back in 2008. Turns out I really enjoyed myself. We now backpack and even our two dogs wear a pack with their own gear. Your post makes me excited for our upcoming camping trip!
My husband takes the kids camping and leaves me home alone. I like it that way.
camping is the best, ain't it?
Your camping digs look great and your kids will remember these times fondly. Even if there were bears, snakes, and bugs! Eek and yuck! I'd suggest room service in a fancy hotel to offset this experience! LOL! Seriously, camping is good fun.
What a good sport you were to go camping. I don't camp unless floating on the river is involved! I'm super impressed with your hubby's solar panel. And ewww to all those creepy crawly creatures!!!! :)
Brothers, aren't they a joy? Gotta love 'em though in spite of all their teasing.
Love your scrappy rainbow quilt!
That infamous camping trip earned me a huge bullseye on my arm and a lovely case of Lymes. That's why people should sleep inside Motel 6.
Are you supposed to pick up millipedes? He looks deadly. And solar panel for iPod? Pure genius.
Did you have any marshmallow fire mishaps this time?
hilarious! you gotta love little brothers!
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