I know i have not been here lately.
Don't give up on me yet!
I promise i will be back in good time.
Sometimes life gives you other things you have to deal with before a blog and so that is what i am doing. Don't worry nothing is amiss we are all fine. I just have not sewn anything to share, cooked anything worth mentioning, and the kids and i have done nothing for fun or for school. We are just plugging on at the moment.
Will you still be here when i get back?
You all are the best!!!
What's on my Sewing Table March
2 days ago
promise :)
May seems like it should be an easy month, but the last couple of years I have found it to be very busy with day to day stuff!
Well, you know I'm not going anywhere. Try to look at a normal day with new eyes and take a few pictures of the "boring" stuff. God knows that's what half of my posts are full of. :)
Well I'll be a newbie here when you get back. Your blog is so pretty - I always think I can tell if I'll like a blog from the header and I love those pretty little vintage looking charm squares all laid out and ready to go. Thank you for following on mine too.
Yup! May and June are rough months. I was just thinking how I was going to have to pull back from blogging and sewing for awhile too!! Life is more important!
I hear ya sista. Such is life--which always trumps a blog! :)
that's how you balance- blogging always needs to come second. You're teaching us all a great lesson by being away a bit and OF COURSE I'll be here when you return :)
Kids are worth it. Can't be in in the bloggie universe all the time. Family first!
we're right there with you!
hang in there!
Still here. And I totally understand that your first priority in life is not your blog! :)
I'll be here, and I understand the daily grind as summer gets nearer :)
We'll still be here, and there's no rush. :-)
You betcha I'll be here!
I'll be here just as long as GOD lets me !
Take your time......it's YOUR time !
same here :) except not nearly as many people read my blog... Craig was gone for a couple months and his return home coincided with my abrupt departure from the blogosphere. I know it's time to start back up when he starts asking me "so when are you going to blog again?" :) Well, I miss you but I guess I can be patient.
I agree that would be so cool to be on her "blogs to see" list - fantastic! She's like quilting royalty!
Don't fret - the people who are worth worrying about will be back, so you don't need to worry about them!
How's that for some late Friday night wisdom?
I'll be watching for you!
Boy howdy I know how that feels. Take it easy, take some time off, relax, and come back when you're good and ready. :)
Just stopping by to say Hi!
I'm right there with you! What's the deal with life lately? :) Thanks for stopping by twelvecrafts on commenting on the fabric mailbox. I love comments too, and now I've found a new blog to follow . . . I'll be eager to read more of what you have to say when you "get back".
Of course! Good luck!
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