Honestly this should be a weekly installment, an ongoing post of sorts, because this kid says some really funny stuff. Today they all center around his impression of our trip to a modern art museum called the DIA. Yesterday was free day for the local community, so we decided to go and check it out.

Let me tell you what Mitchell thought.
Mitch, as we walk in, looks around..."this is not art!". We tried shushing him.
...as we are standing looking at the scrap metal sculpture..."i am taller than that piece of garbage"
..."it doesn't even look like sculptures"
...as we walk into a room of all white canvas, "no art, no art, no art"
..."mmm, boring"
Now understand that this is coming from a kid who's introduction to 'art' is largely influenced by his first introductions at the National Gallery in DC and the Met in NYC. So, please don't be offended all you modern art lovers(Natalie). We found lots of things there to appreciate that were really impressive, there were just a few too many that made us say, "huh?!?". All in all we had a nice visit...Avery really loved it actually. There was even a point when all three, Chris Avery and Mitch, were kneeling on the floor looking at an art piece and i said to them, "even if you don't always understand modern art there is something to discover about it".
Mitch, as we walk in, looks around..."this is not art!". We tried shushing him.
...as we are standing looking at the scrap metal sculpture..."i am taller than that piece of garbage"
..."it doesn't even look like sculptures"
...as we walk into a room of all white canvas, "no art, no art, no art"
..."mmm, boring"
Now understand that this is coming from a kid who's introduction to 'art' is largely influenced by his first introductions at the National Gallery in DC and the Met in NYC. So, please don't be offended all you modern art lovers(Natalie). We found lots of things there to appreciate that were really impressive, there were just a few too many that made us say, "huh?!?". All in all we had a nice visit...Avery really loved it actually. There was even a point when all three, Chris Avery and Mitch, were kneeling on the floor looking at an art piece and i said to them, "even if you don't always understand modern art there is something to discover about it".
That's awesome. I should remember to write down the kid quotes more often - they're always funny or very insightful.
Modern art can be very hard to appreciate sometimes...but I do like that string piece! Very mathy.
Oh my goodness... that's exactly what I thought that museum would be like. Mitchie was just saying what everyone was probably thinking. But I still would like to go there one of these days.
I'll be sure to tell Natalie to read this post in particular. :)
And... Yes! This should definitely be a weekly installment. That kid is hysterical!
What a great reaction. I love that age where kids just honestly say what they think. I bet there were a bunch of people thinking the same thing. When I was little traveling with my family, we saw the Mona Lisa and I turned to my mom and asked "What's so special about her? She looks like all the other paintings in this museum." I think I'm still trying to figure that one out...
this made me laugh out loud. thanks for sharing! haha :)
kids say the darndest things! my six year old has the loudest voice and says THE MOST embarrassing things too... but these moments make the best stories, like yours did today!
I probably would have thought similar sentiments, but way to put a positive spin on it all for them! xo m.
That is too funny! I agree once you've seen "old" art the modern stuff is hard to understand. The National Gallery in London is great by the way!
Have a great day.
your final comment says it all, but I agree with Mitch- sometimes I struggle to find my connection with certain pieces of art.
Hope your weekend was awesome!
I took my kids to a local quilt show recently. My daughter kept offering her opinions VERY loudly. "These quilts are WEIRD. This is UGLY." The quilters were all around us, so I was more afraid of her hurting someone's feelings.
Ha. He cracks me up.
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