***Brace yourselves, this one is picture heavy....***
Mitchell, showing off a little when i wanted to take a picture. He saw the camera in my hand and then started getting goofy. And, yes, that is a mohawk you see. We are trying out yet another new summer hairdo.
The sky and clouds were so amazing to watch while the fog was blown out to sea. I love the dark colors. The ocean kept changing from a dark gray to beautiful greens and blues. it was so pretty.
This is one of my favorite pictures of Avery...we have one that is very similar to this from when she was about 3 or 4 flying a kite on a beach in Washington state. My how she has grown.
This time Mitchell could get in on it, he has always been too small, not strong enough, to manage a kite in the wind. So, these are pictures of his first time ever flying a kite.
And a great shot of the boys flying the big kite together. Chris has many large kites and trick kites that he likes to bring along...and nice daddy that he is he lets the kids have a go when he takes it out.
Oh, and building the obligatory sand castle...look what a great job he is doing!! Careful, careful...
then, oh no...i think you can guess what is about to happen!!!
as for the camping part...because i am sure that any of you that know me in person are wondering(especially after reading about our first trip in the woods)...it was good!! Beach camping is way better than woods. The weather this time of year is better too. And we slept great every night, Chris made all the food and did all the work. The kids and i just played at the beach!!! How hard could it have been?
Fun stuff. We still have to break out our kites. Think our kids are ready this year.
Kite flying at the beach does it get any better?
YAY for camping - especially at the beach! I can't wait till we can go and stay ourselves! Soon!
Stop by my blog - I'm having a giveaway!
Just the best post ever with so many pictures and the shoreline and horizon were beautiful! Thanks for sharing your family with us!
Enjoy and hug your sweetie tight for being such a doll!
Wow! I'm impressed. I'm glad camping turned out well for you.
Love the mohawk! You're such a cool mom. :)
Lovely pics. We hope to get the kites out this weekend.
i was just telling Bear about kite flying on the beach- I will have to show him this post!! What fun :)
Your comments on my last post were a riot and somewhere along the way, I had completely missed that you are pregnant, so congratulations!!!!! And yeah- in some ways that seems like the easiest period plan ;)
You have some fun activities for your kids! (they are lucky) and boy, I can sure feel your pain, on the non creative, non energy, non blogging due to pregnancy. I thought I would get at ton of things done. Congrats!!!!! soo exciting!
That looks so wonderful! I love the beach. Not sure if I could camp there, though. Sand gets everywhere!
Glad this camping trip worked out so well for you. I miss flying kites and have been on the lookout for a nice kite to buy - never to old to fly one!
Beach camping sounds fun! If I was younger I'd try it. I think I like the Mohawk. I'll have to see it up close to make sure. ;0) Cute swimsuit Avery!! Handsome s-i-l also.
Looks like a blast. It makes me want to fly a kite again.
Such a sweet post of family having fun together and loving each other. Kite flying is something I will never outgrow! It looks like you all had such a great time!
Ah Leslie, I grew up on a small island with lovely beaches where we spent our summer days. The children would just be brown like berries and one of them learned to swim before he could walk, he crawled into the water and he just began to move every limb...we were amazed.
Your photos bring back lovely memories.
Could your son's hair be any more adorable (although I'm not sure that's the word he'd like to describe it). Great shots looks like fun. A kite is definitely something we're going to get into very soon. xo m.
I think I would love beach camping if my husband did all the work!
ooooh the beach. I'm so envious. I think what I miss most about the east coast is Cape Cod. Looks like you guys had a lot of fun!
What an amazing trip! Everything looks so lovely. I'm terribly jealous; I'll have to wait until my kids are a bit older before we can do this kind of thing. But your pictures give me something to look forward to. :-)
Looks like you are all enjoying yourselves! Summer at it's best :)
super love camping at the beach...I love falling asleep to the sound of the ocean! so fun!
gorgeous pictures!! Looks like a FANTASTIC time :)
wow i am so loving this!! the beach AND camping, yay!!
hope all is well with the new baby, so excited for you!!
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