We were not about to let a little rain spoil our vacation fun. My kids know that the only place you can jump on beds is at the hotel so that is usually the first thing they want to do when we get there and the only thing they want to do anytime we are in the hotel instead of out and about exploring. This afternoon there were some drops to deal with so we went back and Chris caught the kids having so much fun....too much fun!
Where to Shop Supplies! Chat and Craft Episode 3
2 hours ago
At least they know not to jump on the beds at home! I ended up in the emergency room as a kid from jumping on the bed, falling off, and cracking open my forehead on the corner of the nightstand!! Needless to say, I didn't jump on the bed, even at hotel rooms, until I was an adult (which is probably worse!). Love your pics...they really are having a blast!!
The kids have heard the story of me playing Superman between my bed and toybox when I was about 4. I didn't quite make it to the bed one time and hit the corner of the bed frame. I've still got a nice scar to show for it 28 years later. The best part of these pictures is that they're not jumping "on" the bed, they're really jumping from the bed onto a mattress on the floor. And doing it with as much flare and drama as they could muster.
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