Can you see who came calling today?
Yup...a young black bear. One off the first real signs that we live in the middle of nowhere smack in the center of a bunch of "mountains"...woods all around. This is not something i have had to think about before, in terms of backyard safety for the kids.
The bear was not a thrill in Avery's book. Poor thing had a heart attack. She was playing behind the house in the playground when one of the other mom's spotted him and called for all the kids to go inside. She came tearing through the house shouting about a bear. I thought she was playing a i stepped out onto the front porch and oh my goodness, there really was a bear.
She was upset about Chris still being outside taking pictures, crying in the upstairs window, in fact. She actually got closer than any of the rest of us, but she did not know this until after he was gone and she calmed down a little. She and the bear came around the house together just on opposite sides of the street. I suspect he will be around again...he is perched on top of all the garbage cans in this picture....looking for more free food.
Where to Shop Supplies! Chat and Craft Episode 3
2 hours ago
ACK!!! Oh my goodness!!! This is cool and scary at the same time. Poor Avery.
How scary! My nephew is horrified of bears, but we don't have any bears where we live! I can't imagine one being so close to my house!!
Yikes! And my three yr old freaks out about a bug! I think a bear would give him heart attack.
Cool pics. It reminds me or the moose pictures we took at your house in Alaska!
Oh my goodness...seriously lends a different idea to playground safety. Give her hugs for me.
Yikes. Did mama bear come along ever?
Eek! Shock horror! No bears in Australia thank goodness. That would be terrifying.
Hi Leslie! Sorry it took me awhile to get back to you about your post on laundry soap. Mine always looks frothy when I make it. It turns out like a thicker gel (or solid) on top and then most times turns to liquid underneath. I don't mind the consistency of it, I just use a cup no matter if it's liquid or gel. If you wanted a consistent consistency, you might try adding more or less water next time. It's really trial and error- as long as it's cleaning good- it doesn't matter! Happy washing! Becky (And Now For the Rest of the Story blog)
oh my! that is so so scary!! i think i would have been freaking out! will they attack children?
wow les! i would say that is really cool but i bet it was scary too! i know bears can move pretty fast and are very agile. i am still jealous you live in such a rural place, i am so burned out of the cement jungle i live in. keep us posted on the bears!!
No momma bear, Mary...he is a young bear and we were told that this is his first year on his own...and Susan, i sure hope that they/he would not attack kids...i can not say that i am entirely comfortable with the playground either anymore.
Poor girl, that must have been stress for her. I'd be stressed to if a bear showed up in my yard. I have friends who live in the "woods" and they say the bear thing is seasonal. Then they are hard to come by. I sure hope this is the case with you and your family. Thanks for stopping by the blog :)
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