Before Avery was even out of her jammies she was wanting to know what i was doing and if she could help. So i put that girl to work grating the soap.
After breakfast she ran upstairs and got dressed, including her apron. We have been giving thought to doing Prairie day once a week or every other and this was a great start because you know those pioneers did not go to the grocery store to buy laundry we talked about this a little while mixing it up with apron on.
We found a easy to follow recipe at A Familiar Path, and her links directed me to this blog where I found her recipe simple, fast and fun. Initially i was nervous that i might have messed it up because it was pretty thin and had bubbles on top, but as the day went on and it cooled down it began to gel and thicken. Now i have to do a test run. I am terrified that i am going to walk away and then find my laundry room overtaken with bubbles.
well, you finally made it. You just might motivate me one of these days to do something like this.
Oh thanks for the link. We were just talking about making your own laundry detergent at quilt group on Wed. night! How cool. Nice to see your daughter getting into the action.
You know how I do love those prairie girls...That is so cool! Did you add any lavender or "April Fresh" essence to the batch?
You should add up how much money you spent and divide that by the number of loads it does to figure out cost per load.
(That's your summer math assignment.)
so how about an update on this detergent? has it been working well for you?
ok, I just read the recipe. I guess I can add essential oil - how exciting!!! What kind of bar soap did you use??
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