Oh what a sweet little man my Mitchell is....he loves creatures and he loves them dearly, and he grows attached very quickly. This little snail suctioned his way into Mitchie's heart immediately. He was so excited that it loved him enough that it would connect itself to him so fast. I hated to do it, but we broke the news that this little guy could not come home with us because he would never make it alive.
He hunted and searched for a new home for the little guy, and was devastated to have to leave him behind. He talked to it and kissed it, and told it how much he loved it....We did this one other time with a earthworm and he was hysterical for half an hour.
He refused to leave him. The tears were unbearably cute, and so sad. He loves deeply that one. In the end the snail did go back to the ocean unharmed.
Where to Shop Supplies! Chat and Craft Episode 3
2 hours ago
Looks like you had a fabulous vacation. I'll have to put that one on my list.
I feel for your little guy. That was me as a little kid. I went fishing and my parents ended up having to have a fake burial for the fish (I didn't know it was fake) because I was so distraught about the idea of cutting it up for dinner.
What wonderful fun you all had - and the snail story is so sweet. I googled Block Island and bookmarked it for a possible future vacation. Thanks!
oh sweet Mitchie!!!!!!!!!
So sweet! I have an animal lover, too.
I love Block Island. Lucky you! You can almost see his bottom lip quivering in the picture. How sweet that he's so attached so quickly.
oh I didnt see that tear until now...ohhhhhhh!
He was most attached to the snail, but he also became attached to a crab, and as Leslie said before, he did it once with an earthworm. I can only imagine what it's going to be like when we have to set the worms in his worm farm free.
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