My Black and Decker and i have had a terrible day....ladies, a warning! Hang onto that iron tight....because just when you least expect it, it is going to try to make a break for it. I was getting ready to iron a backing for a very old project today when it got away form me and burned me good!!!I had no idea how big it was until later in the day when only the burn was red, not my entire inner forearm. See that perfect rectangular mark...that is the edge of the iron. My track record with burns is not that great...i think this is the third one in about 2 months. That seems a little much, right? Perhaps i should consider no longer handling hot objects. As if this was not enough, it fell off the ironing board and left a huge dent in my wood floor.
OUCH!!!! Hope you're feeling better. Now that the burn is 24 hours or so old, keep vaseline on it. That way the skin doesn't dry out and crack. A bandage will help too. (Not that I'm an expert, but keeping things covered keeps moisture in and aids in healing!) I hate irons, that's why I don't use them :)!! Ovens and me don't mix! Have a good day!
Owwwww!!! That's awful. Burns are the worst aren't they!
(use neosporin instead of vaseline.)
oh man, that stinks!
so sorry about your arm...I have been there and done that and it really hurts. not to mention a possible scar and the dent in the floor! Ouch! I hope it heals quickly and that there's no scarring...please be careful!
That looks nasty! How do you feel today? For your next sewing project how about coming up with "iron armor for the arms" so you will be protected..;0)
Oh Ouch! Hope your arm is feeling a little better today!
oh no! I've never gotten one that big... it's usually just my fingertips I burn. But I do drop my iron like it's my job or something... try putting some lavender essential oil on it if you have any.
Awwwwwww......so sorry for the burn ! I'm blessed in that mine just seems to fall and hit the floor all the time......I've never gotten in it's way ! I just have to make a grab really quickly, as it always seems to land flat, and wants to start melting the vinyl flooring.
Let's have a look at the old project and see if that makes us all feel better !
Oh no! Hope your arm feels better soon! I hate burns, especially when the hot iron is the culprit!
Yikes! I think you should tightly wrap it's cord and force it to sit in the corner for a while.
OUCH!I hope it feels better. Ugh!
ewwwwwwww.....i HATE when that happens. mean iron. hope you feel better by now.
Ouch, ouch. I bet that really hurt. Nasty :(
Only more proof that irons of are of the devil. What were you doing ironing?!?!?
Hope you feel better
Ouch! Kudos for using the iron...can't remember the last time I pulled mine out. Now I might be a bit scared to! Hope you heal quickly.
Yikes...that looks painful. Hope you're doing better now!
Ow, burns can hurt so much. I hope you heal quickly!
I know the feeling! My iron and I don't have a great relationship either, the only difference, I didn't burn my arm but my belly. Don't ask...
I hope you feel better soon!
Oh no... I wish you a speedy healing. I have heard that aloe vera helps with burns.
Ouch!!!! That looks painful!!! You really need to be careful when operating heavy machinery ;-))) Hope it heals soon.
I have that exact iron and have not been happy with it. I havent been burned though. Ouch.
how's your arm doing?
ouch! did you run cold water over? i hope your arms are recovering!
Take good care~
hmmm, my iron and your iron seem to have the same problem! Except my iron has more wounds from the falls than I do!
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