We have been totally blessed and thankful to have my wonderful BFF(for lack of a better term :o) !!) and her children visiting with us through Thanksgiving. We have been having such a great time just being together and soaking up every moment(thanks for that reminder other Dee).
Today she began work on her very first quilt. i am so so proud. She loved my wee play quilt so much that she wanted to make one just like it. So we could have twin quilts. See it there behind her. She was using it as a guide for her own. This was her first row completed!!! Hooray! I have begun rubbing off on my friends.
See how fast that girl can jump!!! She was thrilled with whatever we were doing to get her to smile for the camera.
How cute are these two....just sitting together on the kitchen floor soaking up the afternoon sun. We are loving every moment. I forgot how fun it is to have a baby around to play with. It is nice to see how my big kids interact with smaller children. They are doing so well, i am so proud.
Looks like a professional quilter in the making. So... will she have it done by the weekend? :)
Cute photos. Aren't good friends the bestest?
How awesome to have your BFF with you for that long! Friends and their families are really our families aren't they!
Please tell your friend her strip made me go "oooooh!". What a neat idea to have two twin blankets to help you feel like you're closer to each other.
KT and I's husbands each bought us a matching faux sapphire friendship band at an antique mall one day. The stones are falling out, but I still have mine and wear it when I need my BFF to be close!
Thanks for the pics. They helped this morning!
Your friend must be having a blast getting to make a beautiful quilt and having built-in babysitters!
Aw, adorable kids! There's nothing better than hanging out with friends for the holidays. And good for you for spreading the quilting bug. :)
Those are some awesome picutres - you've captured the enjoyment so well. Glad you get to share the quilting fun with your friend!
Aww so sweet!! Thanks for posting pics of my nephew and niece (I just wanted to claim them as my own since they are sooo cute!!). We miss them around here, but are happy you guys are having so much fun!!
It's fun to convert people to quilting, isn't it??? :)
lucky her! I think your wee play quilt is my favorite!! I don't know what I'm going to do my leaf printing on, but I'm sure I can come up with something by next fall (because I don't think I have time for it this year anyway!)
Hurray for Dee! It will be done next week right???? The smiles on the faces tell me they are all having fun. See you all soon.
Way to go Dee!!! And how fun to see your kiddos together. Did you ever picture it when you both were like 15 with blue tongues sticking out?
How fun that you're showing your BFF how to quilt!! What a great quilt to reproduce! Looks like you all are having loads of fun!
sooooo fun!!
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