Say it isn't so? If you could have seen Avery's face when i told her i made a chocolate zucchini was funny. She was so sure that this was not going to be good at all. But she was converted once she tried it and then i suddenly became the best cooker ever! A little chocolate and some icing and a veggie is converted to something fantastic.
This was the first thing i made with this weeks veggie box from the CSA. We got the zucchini(cake), sugar snap peas(gone already), potatoes(ate 'em), spinach(more popeye's), beets(ice cream?), kale(still waiting for inspiration), cucumbers(almost gone). This recipe was also from the CSA. Very yummy!!! And I got to take my new food processor for her first spin to shred the zuke's for the cake. I love small kitchen appliances! She might need a name....any suggestions?
Quilt Con 2025 Recap
4 days ago
Looks yummy! Beet ice cream? I dare you!!!!!
double dog dare me???
How about a name that coincides with all this CSA inspiration? We are inspired by our CSA box, also, and we are so thankful to receive it. Ours comes from WA, however, so we don't get to pick it up here. That would be even better!
double, double dog dare you!!!!!!!!
I believe deep in my heart of hearts that chocolate can make zucchini taste cake-wonderful.
I remember trying to convince myself - and my mom - that zuchinni cake was gross when I was a kid. Even though it was great, I just could never admit it! Now it seems like a great idea!!
Thanks for your comment on my blog!
Zucchini cake is like zucchini bread yes? I bet it was absolutely fabulous-even without the yummy icing.
Glad to hear you got the food processor...I just left a response on your comment in my blog...sorry I didn't respond sooner. But looks like you got one it orange? :)
it was like the bread but so chocolatey-delicious!!!I got the big big cuisinart so i could do dough and stuff in it...sadly it is not orange. The only color it came in was red and i was not down with that! it is black and brushed silver.
you know already we made that same cake, i made two and there is only a tad bit left, so good! i roasted a beet last night but didnt like how it came out, not sure what to do with the three i have left to pick? is it just me or do they taste like dirt? ick! i love my cuisinart, need to move up to a bigger one though.
OMG YUMMM I love zucchini bread, and that Zucchini Cake just looks FANTASTIC... I think my stomach just growled...
Hi, Leslie! This is Rebeca from Denison Farm. I love your blog and the photos of your CSA items and veggie creations. Would it be OK if I posted a link to your entry on the chocolate zucchini cake (w/ photo if I can manage) and invite other CSA members to check out your blog for your CSA veggie ideas?
Beets do not taste like dirt. They taste like fabulous red jewels.
Try the ice cream though...I'm still waiting for that post.
jim and i made borscht one time(inspired by a cooking show and the olympia farmer's market), i think we actually found the recipe in that international cookbook i got when we went antique shopping that one time in was VERY just have to be prepared for a little surprise in the restroom :)
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