Be warned, there are lots of pictures...but i could not help myself because we had the best little cowboy birthday this weekend. Most of all Mitchie loved it, so i was successful!

He had lots of plans for his big day, and we didn't get to half of them. But he seemed not to notice. When i asked if he had a good party and good birthday, he very enthusiastically said yes. The day began with his breakfast of choice. He calls them construction rolls. They are butter dipped, sugar and cinnamon rolled marshmallows wrapped in a crescent rolls topped with more butter and cinnamon and sugar. Yum, right?

While he was out at a football game with daddy, Avery and i spent the afternoon decorating the party room and getting all the cowboy grub ready. She was a very big helper.

The chuck-wagon menu included...Good Old American Beans, chili biscuits, veg with "ranch" dip or otherwise referred to as cowboy crudites(my mom said we should call it cowboy crud), horseshoe bread sticks and cowboy juice(root beer).

This was my babies cowboy cake. He wanted vanilla cake with chocolate frosting...easy request and i was happy to oblige.

We were all to dress appropriately for the occasion, by the edict of the sheriff. Avery had the brilliant idea to dress up as a prairie girl...complete with puffy sleeves, pinafore and bonnet. So cute.

I can hardly believe that 5 years have passed since this big baby came into our lives. He has been full of joy and fun and laughter from the start...he would try to make us laugh even before he could talk. He loves everyone, if you just talk to him you will be his new best friend. He has lots of questions which i don't always have the answers for...and every answer makes a new question.

It is a little sad for this mommy...seeing my littlest not be so little anymore. He is loud and boisterous...he is silly and wild...and we love everything about him.
Even before i was married i knew i wanted to someday have a baby boy that i would name Mitchell. Obviously my wish came true. I always thought that Mitchell and Mitch were such big man names for a little baby. I thought that it sounded like a little cowboy name.
Every day when he wakes up he dresses up as who he wants to be that day and right now it is always a cowboy and now that he has a new pleather vest he is calling himself the "Sherf".
We are more than blessed to have him. I hope and pray that he will grow to be a kind, loving and generous man...that is funny and witty and full of life...a man that loves God and the people around him. I know the journey is going to go fast, just like these 5 years have. No matter what he says he will be my baby. Happy Birthday little one.
Thanks for all the fun party pics. Looks like a wonderful day for the sheriff. My fave is the one with them swilling their beer - he has the cutest face!
Mitchell, looks like you had a great birthday. The cake looks fabulous and you look like you are a great Sheriff. I know you had a great day. Just wanted to say Hi and again Happy Birthday.,
Grandma and Grandpa
Happy Birthday, Mitch! I ams o happy you had a great time at your cowboy party!
I remember the Fire Truck Cake. miss you bunches!!!!!
Happy, happy birthday!!! And what a fun menu--your mom and sister sure are clever!
Leslie--while Chris and Mitch were at "a" football game? Just any ole game? :)
Oh my gosh Leslie...your journaling and the pics to go with it were touching. Of course, this is coming from Grammie/Mom. We love him to pieces too!
Now that's one cute birthday party! Happy birthday lil cowboy!
I just noticed what you used for the fence. Very cute. You are too creative.
What a cute party
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