I imagined much more enthusiasm. Not that they did not want to do it or want to help, it just was a little harder than i thought it would be. We did pick it fast though. We had two full buckets before we even picked down half of one row. Mitchie just wanted to eat them and carry the bucket...Avery, well she was picking with great care. In the time i picked half a bucket i think she had five in hers...because she was examining every berry to make sure that it was blemish free and perfect in every way! And, believe it or not Avery wore white and there was not a single berry stain on that girl.
Quilt Con 2025 Recap
3 days ago
What a fun thing to do and a great tradition and memories to give them!!! You are awesome.
we met a little old lady in the strawberry patch that said that to us..how nice it was what we were doing and that we were making memories for our family.
100 times better than Gameboy and TV only memories. :)
aww they look so cute holding hands. looks like you guys had fun. it appears that we won't be able to go strawberry picking cause of schedule conflicts between all of us. well mainly me. maybe mom and beth will go by themselves.
I have to laugh...I didn;t think of it last night but your daughter strangely reminds me of someone I know...especially when we were younger. :o) :o) :o)
oh by the way, I havent forgotten that recipe. I will send it later today. Loves.
these pictures are precious Leslie. Mitch in his hat w/a hint of strawberry around his mouth and Avery ready to indulge. Very nice.
I LOVE the pics! they looked like they had so much fun and im sure i would too if I had a field of strawberries at my fingertips... haha and Mitch in that one close-ip pic is awesome
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