When we made the decision to homeschool I definitely was nervous. I was not sure if i would be able to teach her anything. How was this new relationship going to work? Going from mother and daughter to student and teacher every day. I know in the big picture parents are the greatest teachers, they learn things from us every day...but the act of teaching a subject for school seemed daunting. We recently have finished the school year, and it feels like we have been successful. While we were still in school mode, Avery seemed to balk when asked to read or do anything that was hard. Now that school is over i am finding her reading her readers to Mitchell, or reading signs, reading food packages, everything, and she is happy to do it and is proud of herself. I am proud of her. She is excited to show her skills to anyone who will listen. Many evenings and mornings have been spent with her new book, Now we are Six by A.A. Milne. This book is more words than pictures, a collection of sweet little stories and poems, and she is loving it and reading it all the time. We worked hard to get here, and i am sure we will be practicing more, but SHE CAN READ!! I am giving this year of homeschool a thumbs up.
Quilt Con 2025 Recap
3 days ago
I love this picture... one of my absolute favorite things in the whole universe to do (other than chase screaming preschoolers around my house, wiping peanut butter off my walls as I go) is lay on my couch with a quilt and chocolate and a good book.
Mom deserves a thumbs up too!
Leslie, I knew you and Chris would succeed at this!!! I'm proud of all 3 of you!! I remember the feeling when the kindergarteners starting catching on and reading everything. Many a parent came to me saying their child did the same as Avery...reading road signs, store signs and packaging. Every year I was amazed that they(and I) accomplished this.
That is so awesome--and you have the patience of a saint. And an amazing mother's heart to invest all of yourself into your children. Congrats on success!!!
Will she be reading Charlotte's Web next?
thank you for your kind words! I hope she will be reading books like that soon. It is in the genes!
Congrats to both of you! Best wishes on many more years!
Leslie, what an exciting and special time for your family! Congratulations to you, too! :-) Mere
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