This morning we packed up for a fun outdoor scavenger hunt/field trip. This was part of our new homeschool science class. We are learning about zoology...this past chapter we covered habitats and the basic classification stuff, like binomial nomenclature and scientific names and classification systems. So we got out there this morning and started hunting.
We had a whole list of things we were looking for. I think Mitchie is hoping to find something great in this hole in the tree. This tree was very cool. I love how it almost looks alive...the roots crawling about, looking for something to hold onto. It felt very lord of the rings.
We also made a few stops along the way to do a little sketching in our nature journals. Avery jumped right up on this table and got out all her stuff...she has pencils...journal...binoculars...bug jar...a bag full of gear...she is ready to go. This particular point was overlooking the water and she was nicely sketching while i looked around and the boys went looking for cooler things like bugs off in the woods.
I am so thrilled with our choice to homeschool. Having the chance as a family to go on an outing like this on the morning of a "school day" was so fun. The time together is precious. Learning in new ways is so exciting. I am thankful.
What's on my Sewing Table March
3 days ago
"Thursday field trips" and family time sounds soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much better than "Thursday get value stream mapping complete". How fun--and can it be fleece weather already? :)
oh yes it is, thank was a brisk 65ish when we left the house this morning.
I love this weather... And I think it's great that you guys can go on a trip like this and learn your science lessons at the same time. Avery is very prepared. Did she have her lizard bag?
Our little artist busy at work. What did she draw? Did Mitch find anything interesting in the tree hole?
Avery is awesome.
I think Friday will be our field trip day~ because Ash has Fridays off. Our first official field trip is to the Eagle RIver Nature Center... did you ever get out there?
i don' think we ever got there...i was always too afraid of outdoor alaska if i tell the truth. i hope to read all about your first field trip
Hey Leslie - what science curriculum did you go with? We are doing the Human Body this year, and I'm not thrilled with my curriculum choice as I thought I'd be. It's a little beyond Sofi, so I'm doing a lot of adding in.
sounds so fun - you make it sound easy :) I am reading from newest to oldest & having a great time (even though I'm tired just thinking about doing all the stuff you guys go do!) Craig is totally sold on the whole homeschool idea - he's the one trying to talk me into it, and he's excited to be able to help when his schedule permits (he works w/ a pretty flexible unit when he's not deployed)
it is easier than you think...and when you are home all the time for school you look for ways to get out of the house to do something fun
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