CAUTION!!! Post overloaded with pictures of fun, fun, fun!!! We got to spend a afternoon with my wonderful Aunt and Uncle. We drove out to a local farm where they had a corn maze and a whole farmyard full of fun activities for the kids.
Mitchell and Avery got to ride these "horses" and pretend that they were cowboys "la-sue-ing" a bull. This time Mitchell caught himself. I love that smile.
One of the turkeys in the farmyard got loose. I think it thought we were a threat of some kind. It followed the kids around slowly while the rode this track, but as soon as Avery got up to leave, it started running after her, she started running in panic and it just did not go well...screaming, mud, get the idea.
But Daddy saved the day and shooed that crazy turkey away. I love the look on her face as she rides around this corner, like she is not so sure about it being there.
the kids getting their dance on!!
the corn was higher than we ever imagined it would be. The kids happily followed Aunt D all through the maze, like little chickens.
My family of farm animals...see Mitchie peeking up there in the goat!
i think he is giving us a good loud "Yee-haw" here after catching a bull.
NO he is not about to run her over...!
One of the things there was this little bunny town. He is hard to see but there is one right in front of Avery. Very cute! They all had to use the hand pumps for the ducky races. I think Mitch and Avery each won one race.
How many people can you get in one giant hamster wheel?
Aunt D was a good sport and pushed Mitchell around the whole race track since his little legs were too short to reach the pedals. A good day was had by all.